Things tagged 'gmcc'

limited to the area of Greater Manchester Cycling Campaign:

26 issues found for 'gmcc':

  • Ladybrook Valley - upgrade and extend footpath to CCAG2 cycleway DC/065422

    Created by JonathanF // 1 thread

    CCAG2 off-road scheme in Cheadle and Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.

    Upgrade and extension of the existing Ladybrook Valley footpath from Queens Road to Hall Road. The scheme is a maintenance and enhancement project which aims to provide a permanent cycle path that accords with modern design standards.

    Stockport Planning Application reference: DC/065422

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  • TfGM/MCC City-Centre Cycling Infrastructure Plan

    Created by JonathanF // 1 thread

    Announced in 2015 as part of CCAG2. Manchester City Council, working in partnership with Transport for Greater Manchester and Salford City Council, is developing a City Centre Cycling Infrastructure Plan (CCCIP). The plan will:-
    Provide a strategy to guide future investment
    Provide a pipeline of cycling schemes
    Prioritise cycling and transport infrastructure more effectively
    Assist with bidding for future funding for investment in the city centre cycle network

    A draft network plan (v3.2) was circulated at the 22nd March 2016 Stakeholder Workshop:

    GMCC has held its own workshops and discussions to produce its draft plan, the latest of which is:

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  • Brunswick Street - proposal to ban motors and create park with cycling permeability

    Created by JonathanF // 0 threads

    The University of Manchester has unveiled plans to turn Brunswick Street into a park—to be named Brunswick Park... the road will be blocked off to traffic and it will be replaced with an area of green public realm.
    The park will sit in the heart of campus between the Simon and Williamson buildings. The area will be extensively landscaped and will feature pedestrian paths, cycle lanes, wildflower areas, trees, and benches.
    The entire street will be converted and plans show a large circular area in outside the Zochonis, Roscoe, and Simon buildings, which leads to the Oxford Road along a wide paved area.
    “Improved pathways” will be provided between Oxford Road and Upper Brook Street for pedestrians and cyclists.

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  • A56 Prestwich High Street

    Created by JonathanF // 1 thread

    Single lane [30mph] traffic with wider pavements, permanent parking bays, new bus lay-bys, bus stop relocation, dedicated [advisory, due to parking bays] [1.5m wide] cycle lanes [no buffer, so in the door zone] and improved public realm, closure of the junction of Bury New Road and Warwick Street and the [since withdrawn] introduction of a one-way system along Clifton Road.

    2016-02-23 Report:
    2016-03-02 Members accepted recommendations to:
    (a) Instruct officers to undertake detailed designs and obtain tenders in respect of delivering Proposal One subject to the following amendments and within the approved budget:
    i) Clifton Road to remain open in both directions. The situation will be monitored for a period of 12 calendar months from completion of the scheme as to its effect on traffic flows, congestion and safety.
    ii) The on street (adopted) parking bays to be reduced in length and additional street trees to be included to improve the aesthetic appearance. Parking bays to be subject to restrictions of 60 minutes with no return with 1 hour.
    iii) Officers to work with Transport for Greater Manchester to ensure traffic light sequencing is maximised to reduce congestion.
    (b) Delegate authority to the Chief Executive and the interim Executive Director of Resources and Regulation, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to consider all tenders received and to approve the awarding of the contract to undertake the approved scheme within the approved budget.
    (c) Instruct officers to seek opportunities to secure additional match funding and sponsorship specifically in respect to street furniture, signage and planting

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  • Fallowfield new petrol station at Sainsbury's

    Created by JonathanF // 1 thread

    Proposal from Sainsbury's to build a new petrol filling station at their Fallowfield store, which is accessed from Wilmslow Road at a junction shared with Fallowfield Loop cycle traffic.
    MCC planning app: 109301/FO/2015/S1 or PP-04261580
    Travel - Transport Survey:

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  • Trafford Waters

    Created by Jonathan Keenan // 1 thread

    Large housing development near to Trafford centre, Manchester Ship Canal and Bridgewater Canal. There is potential for huge increase in traffic and the plans have very little/no cycle infrastructure planned in.

    The plans show 5 lane roads and roundabouts with a simple ASL and no other infrastructure. This is an opportunity for the developers to connect the new estate into a wider cycle network, particularly the cycle path on Barton Dock Road (which needs improvement). The Bridgewater Canal will not have enough capacity in the future and is not suitable for year round commuting.

    Urgent attention needs to be given to the main roads surrounding the site and the development used as a catalyst to improve the below standard infrastructure already in place nearby.

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  • Wilmslow Road Cycleway

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Consultation by Manchester CIty Council on cycleway proposals along Wilmslow Road from Platt Lane to Barlow Moor Road.

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  • Stockport town centre access proposals

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Extensive package of measures which "aims to transform the accessibility and connectivity to and around Stockport town centre.
    The plan considers access by all modes of travel and specifically aims to ease congestion for buses and general road traffic, as part of an ambitious vision and development framework for investment in the town centre"

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  • Liverpool Road, Irlam

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Salford Council/Urban Vision consultation on CCAG scheme. "The proposed cycle improvement between Station Road in Irlam and Astley Road in Cadishead will enable better sharing of the road space by all users and improve conditions for cyclists and pedestrians. Cycle parking facilities will be provided and cycle symbols on the road will be marked to highlight the presence of cyclists. Line markings and the construction of build outs and central reserves are proposed to narrow the road and reduce the overall speed of vehicles"

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  • Liverpool Street, Pendleton

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Salford Council/Urban Vision consultation on this CCAG scheme. "A new cycle lane will be implemented along Liverpool Street between Langworthy Road and Cross Lane, linking the neighbouring residential areas to employment and educational opportunities at Salford Quays, MediaCityUK, the University of Salford and Manchester City Centre"

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  • Silk Street & North George Street, Salford

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Salford Council/Urban Vision consultation on CCAG funded scheme. "This route will provide new cycling facilities on Silk Street and North George Street, linking route one to the University of Salford and improving onward cycling links to Salford Quays and the regional centre, through the existing wider cycle network."

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  • Great Clowes Street & Blackfriars Road, Salford

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Consultation by Salford Council/Urban Vision on CCAG funded scheme. "This will provide a new cycle lane along the length of Great Clowes Street and Blackfriars Road, which will link the residential area of Broughton to Manchester city centre. Where possible the route will be segregated from traffic"

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  • Lyme Park

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Consultation about cycling in Lyme Park, carried out by the National Turst

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  • Bridgefield scheme, Stockport centre

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    New cinema and car park next to Debenhams in Stockport centre. New open space on Bridgefield Street and Prince's Street. One of the objectives is "to provide enhanced public transport routes,cycle facilities and pedestrian access". Issues: cycle parking, shared space, link to wider cycle network.

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  • Chestergate, Stockport

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    A shared use pedestrian/cycle facility along Brinksway/Chestergate between Hollywood Way Bridge and King Street West.

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  • Bridgewater Cycleway; Deansgate/Whitworth Street junction

    Created by David Butler // 3 threads

    The Bridgewater Way aims to provide a high quality route for walkers and cyclists over the complete 65km length of the Bridgewater Canalbetween Runcorn, Leigh and Manchester City Centre. The cornerstone of the project is a major upgrade to the canal towpath, which as well as greatly improving conditions for pedestrians, will make it easier for cyclists to use the tow path.
    The Deansgate / Whitworth Street West Street junction is also proposed to be revised to provide toucan crossing points and easier access to the canal from Whitworth Street West withsignal controlled cycle movements running past Deansgate station. The proposed works at the
    junction are also intended to provide improved “on street” facilities to assist cyclists travelling towards and away from Manchester city centre.

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  • Ancoats & New Islington regeneration strategy

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Manchester City Council Development strategy for the Ancoats and New Islington Areas. Includes development and urban design principles, and will be a "material consideration" in determinng planning applications.
    A recent announcement about the funding of 6000 new residential units by ADUG in this part of Manchester increases the need to ensure that cycling is given due prominence in this strategy.

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  • Rochdale Canal Towpath Gating

    Created by Jonathan Keenan // 1 thread

    Although this is not a cycle path this should be monitored. MCC, Fire and Police are proposing gating and 12 hour closures of this section of path. This is due to a number of fatalities by drowning.
    This is a fairly interesting and somewhat unpleasant section known as the Undercroft.
    I will scout the site to see if there is an argument for creating a cycle path to encourage more people to used this area with the proven argument that more people creates safer environments. I suspect this will not be practical but worth checking before a right of way is lost.

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  • Jones "Parkland" development, Cheadle

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Planning application submitted to Stockport Council re. Phase 4 of the "Parklands" development at Three Acres Lane (ref. DC053394). The proposals seem to purely focus on motor transport via the A34 as the means of access/egress. CycleWilmslow have long campaigned, with support from some CycleStockport members plus CTC and Sustrans for a traffic-free route from Cheadle to Handforth. This would go through this site (there is currently a footpath which would require minimal work to upgrade to bridleway standard).

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  • Poor road surface on Stockport Road (Nbound) after Plymouth Grove junction.

    Anon // 0 threads

    There is a very poor road surface on the left hand northbound lane of Stockport Road (A6) after the Plymouth Grove junction.

    This is dangerous as if you bear left it encourages traffic behind you to sneak past you, if you go through it can damage your bicycle or even cause you to come off, if you bear right brings you into direct conflict with traffic which often wants to merge into the right hand lane.

    The solution is very simple, resurface this small section of road.

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  • Trans-Pennine Trail Access at Urmston near Manchester

    Created by Richard Alderson // 0 threads

    Near Cob Kiln Lane commuter route to Urmston Rail Station Cyclists and pedestrians are supposed to use this kissing gate. The dwell space is far too small and very muddy. There is a horse stile as well which is equally muddy - this is a major access route to the Trans-Pennine Trail

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